Download AFTool 5.1.11 Full Version Free

By A2GSM Team

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AFTool 5.1.11 is a useful tool for flashing both Qualcomm and MTK devices, and we offer the latest version of the software, AFTool 5.1.11 Full Version, for download. This tool was created by Vivo and initially intended for flashing Vivo Qualcomm and MTK devices. Download the latest version of AFTool from the below links provided by A2GSMTOOLS.COM.


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AFTool Functions

AFTool now supports all other Qualcomm and MTK devices. It is an all-in-one flashing tool that provides various features, including backing up all data from flashing files and devices, recovery backup, carrier frequency query, upgrade incremental, and many more.

How to Insatll Full version

It’s worth noting that the cracked version of AFTool 5.1.11 is risky to use due to the presence of trojan viruses. Therefore, we offer the full version of the tool, which is safe and secure to use. Installing the software is simple, as you need to download and extract the AFTool 5.1.11 zip file and run the “AFtool.exe” file. However, the tool comes with a Chinese language and pre-select with China country, but you can change it to English and your country with just a few clicks.

How to Activate the Full version

To activate the AF Tool 5.1.11 Full Version Free, follow some simple steps, including running the “AFTool_BBK5.1.11_Authorization tool.exe” file, copying and pasting the username and password from the “License.txt” file to the “AFTool crack,” and opening the original AFTool 5.1.11. The software is an all-in-one tool that can help you easily flash MTK and Qualcomm devices.

Now change the country code of this tool. It’s very simple once you change the language of this tool. Check above the phone picture in the “AF Tool”. Just click on that and select your country. That’s it. Now you can convert it from AF Tool 5.1.11 to AF Tool 5.1.11 full version free.

Let’s Start to Install AFTool 5.1.11 Crack Setup:

To do this, you need to perform a minor crack and confuse the AF server. Follow the steps below to activate the AF Tool 5.1.11 Full Version Free:

  1. Go back to the AF Tool extracted folder.
  2. Run the “AF Tool_BBK5.1.11_Authorization tool.exe”.
  3. Once the crack opens, go back to the Video tutorial folder then open the “License.txt” file.
  4. Copy the username and paste it into the “AF Tool_BBK5.1.11_Authorization tool.exe”.
  5. Follow the same process to copy and paste the password on the “AF Tool crack”.
  6. Then your tool will open.
  7. Click on the first setup from there.
  8. After that, your original AFTool 5.1.11 will open.
  9. Just minimize the “AF Tool 5.1.11” tool and go to the “AF Tool_BBK5.1.11_Authorization tool.exe”.
  10. Close the “AF Tool_BBK5.1.11_Authorization tool.exe” and click on “Finish” in the setup wizard.

Download AF Tool 2023 Edition

File NameAF Tool 5.1.11 Full Verson
File Size135.88MB
File Password (if ask)
Uploaded byA2GSM
Support OSMicrosoft Windows (32bit and 64bit)
Latest UpdateApril 2023
Report Dead LinksHere


AF Tool 5.1.11 is a useful tool for anyone who needs to flash Qualcomm and MTK devices. It is easy to use and has many features that make it an all-in-one flashing tool. It is also backed up by Vivo, so you know you can trust it. Plus, by downloading the full version of AF Tool 5.1.11 for free, you can avoid the trojan viruses that come with the cracked version.

Note: Please Disable Windows Defender or any Antivirus installed on your Computer. Otherwise, Setup or some important files will be deleted or corrupted by Antimalware.

Warning: It’s important to note that using any third-Party tool on Android devices may void the warranty. It requires technical knowledge and should be done very carefully to avoid any data loss or damage to your device. Make sure to follow the instructions provided by the tool and always back up your device’s data before performing any modifications.

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