Download EVONDT Tool Version 1.2.1 (Free Login Trick) – 100% Working

By A2GSM Team

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Download EVOTool Version 1.2.1 (Free Login) – Working 100%

EVOTool v1.2.1 is a small windows computer tool. it is allowed users o perform many tasks in an edl or Brom or preloader mode. the tool also supported Apple or EMMC operations. this version is released with free login for all users. I have uploaded a video on my channel you can watch and follow the full details about how to register and log in to the tool.

EVONDT Version 1.2.1 New UpdateFirst in the world support samsung a03 frp one click 1 EVONDT Version 1.2.1 New UpdateFirst in the world support samsung a03 frp one click

Features EVOTool:

Repair IMEI
IMEI (International Mobile Equipment Identity) is a unique number for identifying a device on a mobile network. You can think of it as your phone’s social security number. It has 15 digits and is assigned to every GSM phone — CDMA device…
Repair MAC
Every NIC (Network Interface Card) has a unique MAC address (Media Access Control). This applies to all types of network cards, including Ethernet cards and WiFi cards. The MAC Address is a six-byte number or 12-digit hexadecimal number …
Patch Certificate
To answer this question, here is some streamlined background information about how the phones work software-wise. Every phone has a serial number (IMEI). This is digital data that gets connected to the given phone during manufacturing…
Reset FRP Lock/ FRP Remove
If a factory reset is performed on an Android device without the owner’s authorization, the FRP will pop up with the message, “This device was reset. To continue, sign in with a Google Account that was previously synced on this device.” The…
Network Factory Reset
Network Factory reset resets all network-related settings to the device’s factory state before it was configured by any company or carrier. This can repair devices that don’t connect to networks that are compatible with the factory state.
Read Codes Online
If you are wondering about your phone’s default network unlock code, or you have repeatedly used the wrong code and the device now requires a so-called “unfreeze” code, this feature is for you. This may cost credits, but you will be warned…
SW Change
Our SW change feature allows you to upgrade, or downgrade the firmware version of the device. Another use of this feature is when there is a no-boot error, or a device freeze issue with your device. Most of cases a simple SW change can solve t…
Unlock / Relock the Bootloader
In the simplest terms, a bootloader is a piece of software that runs every time your phone starts up. It tells the phone what programs to load in order to make your phone run. The bootloader starts up the Android operating system when y…
CSC Change
CSC means “Consumer Software Customization” or “Country Specific Code“. CSC is an essential component of Samsung firmware. It is an important part of the firmware binaries which contains many important data like customized settings, Syst…
Device Info
Every important bit of information and device status can be read directly from the phone, for example, the serial number, factory data, hardware data, etc.
Read Certificate
As the name of the service can suggest, with the Read Cert you save certificate data. What is this Cert file? Basically, this is digital data that gets connected to the given phone during manufacturing and it also gets signed by the ma…
Write Certificate
You can restore certificate data with the Write Cert. Basically, this is digital data that gets connected to the given phone during manufacturing and it also gets signed by the manufacturer this is the so-called Certificate.
Store / Restore Backup
The store/Restore Backup function is used to back up all individual calibration and safety parameters of the device. This can be done before you start working on the device or you can do it before every procedure. We do try to create backups…
What’s New in V1.2.1
EVONDT Tool Version 1.2.1 Update
December 11,2022

Samsung Spreadtrun
First in the World Support
Samsung A032F frp erase one click
Samsung A03FF frp erase one click

How To Use?

  1. First, you need to download the zip file from the below link
  2. Next, you can unzip all files at c: drive (important)
  3. Ensure you have disabled the antivirus before running the installation
  4. Next, open the folder and install the setup file with some basic instruction
  5. Run the tool from the shortcut “EVOTool”
  6. Next, click on the register button and make a login
  7. Next back again to the tool and enter the login details and click on the login
  8. Done !!! Now the tool is open
  9. Next, you can install all drivers if you already installed skip this step
  10. Connect the phone and try to do any function
  11. Enjoy !!! 
Watch Video ⬇

Did You Know? The first modern computer was basically a giant calculator

the first modern computer was massive it could actually only do 4 things. Add, subtract, multiply and divide.

Download EVONDT Tool Version 1.2.1

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