HXRU Sideload FRP Eraser v1.0 Download Latest Version Free

By A2GSM Team

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HXRU Sideload FRP Eraser has released a new update, version 1.0, of its free Windows software program. This HXRU Sideload FRP Eraser allows users to perform multiple operations on Xiaomi Android mobile devices, including FRP reset in sideload via auth. Here, you’ll find direct download links for the latest update and previous versions of the Tool, along with a simple step-by-step guide for installation.

HXRU Sideload FRP Eraser

HXRU Sideload FRP Eraser Tool is a free software for Windows that allows users to perform various tasks on Android SmartPhones. By using this tool, you can Read Info and bypass FRP in sideload mode all Xiaomi smartphones supported only need a boot device into sideload recovery mode. If you’re looking for a tool to fix your phone without hassle, simply follow these easy steps and download the HXRU Sideload FRP Eraser on your computer and improve your phone’s performance quickly.

The HXRU Sideload FRP Eraser Tool is a software that is used to work on any Android Smartphone running Android Lollipop 5.0, Marshmallow 6.0, Nougat 7.0, Oreo 8.0, Pie 9.0, Android 10 Q, Android 11, Android 12, Android 13. It is also compatible with the latest Android 14 version. The software app is Compatible with Microsoft Windows 7, 8, 10, and 11 OS with both 32-bit and 64-bit arc.

This HXRU Sideload FRP Eraser tool is user-friendly and using the tool functions is easy and simple, Just Install setup.exe and open the software on your computer, log in with required credentials if required, choose the required function format or FRP then connect your phone via a good USB cable in boot mode (EDL/Vcom/MTP mode). The tool will detect your phone unlocked within a few minutes.

Features & Functions

  • Get Auth
  • Reset Factory
  • Reset FRP
  • Reset Safe
  • Reboot

Free Accounts

{“Username”: “HXR9E8414IP9”, “Password”: “22549R8P5”, “Credit”: 1},

{“Username”: “HXRORREO0PPQ”, “Password”: “7O83I6W9E”, “Credit”: 1},

{“Username”: “HXR8PT7PR4I8”, “Password”: “QQPT4I74U”, “Credit”: 1},

{“Username”: “HXR6PWT98Q52”, “Password”: “1RP3336RY”, “Credit”: 1},

{“Username”: “HXRIII0T6O72”, “Password”: “06Q8W3P5W”, “Credit”: 1},

{“Username”: “HXRI79QE4OTP”, “Password”: “RYORE3Q46”, “Credit”: 1},

{“Username”: “HXRY6RW898QT”, “Password”: “9I94QY8WQ”, “Credit”: 1},

{“Username”: “HXR10E73QUQW”, “Password”: “3OQTYYT5R”, “Credit”: 1},

{“Username”: “HXRO197T323Q”, “Password”: “99OYO870O”, “Credit”: 1},

{“Username”: “HXR5R7TIIY8W”, “Password”: “3Q7UQU916”, “Credit”: 1},

{“Username”: “HXR66I5PTQ05”, “Password”: “6R3OUW9UW”, “Credit”: 1},

{“Username”: “HXRR5EEP3P12”, “Password”: “PTP072W35”, “Credit”: 1},

{“Username”: “HXRU1UY6YE14”, “Password”: “8Y06887YI”, “Credit”: 1},

{“Username”: “HXRT2O85O50Q”, “Password”: “R1I9T7134”, “Credit”: 1},

{“Username”: “HXR8O2U134W9”, “Password”: “REY8P8I38”, “Credit”: 1},

{“Username”: “HXR380IP983P”, “Password”: “4UTI486PT”, “Credit”: 1},

{“Username”: “HXRPO7I85I2T”, “Password”: “566Q2300R”, “Credit”: 1},

{“Username”: “HXRE4845780U”, “Password”: “8YW3W9638”, “Credit”: 1},

{“Username”: “HXR6O8512910”, “Password”: “4TQWR2PU8”, “Credit”: 1},

{“Username”: “HXRR17I6UEU2”, “Password”: “3Y3QW0YTQ”, “Credit”: 1},

{“Username”: “HXRUU27E9E08”, “Password”: “21U7158R9”, “Credit”: 1},

{“Username”: “HXR20OQ3PWWI”, “Password”: “Y5Y77IRYU”, “Credit”: 1},

{“Username”: “HXRW0QU4919U”, “Password”: “TY4684533”, “Credit”: 1},

{“Username”: “HXR0I80E402U”, “Password”: “5Y297QE06”, “Credit”: 1},

{“Username”: “HXR2RY0966E6”, “Password”: “7T41T4828”, “Credit”: 1}

Download HXRU Sideload FRP Eraser – Latest Version

Note:- We highly recommend downloading the latest version of your software. It usually includes important bug fixes, security updates, and performance improvements.

Password (if ask): a2gsmtools.com

VersionDownload Link

How to Install and Use

  1. Download the required version from the above links
  2. After downloading extract the zip file using Winrar or 7Zip
  3. Open the Extracted folder and double-click the HXRU_FRP_TOOL setup
  4. Now Accept the Terms & Conditions and proceed
  5. Choose the Installation folder (c: drive Recommended)
  6. Follow the on-screen instructions and complete the installation
  7. Now Go to Desktop and Open the HXRU_FRP_TOOL.exe
  8. Login with ID and Password (if Required)
  9. Choose your Mobile Brand and Model
  10. Power off the Phone (Make sure the Battery is at least 30% charged)
  11. Connect the phone to boot mode (Vol Up & down or EDL Mode)
  12. Choose Function as required (Format or FRP)
  13. Wait for the Unlock Process to complete
  14. Once the flashing process is completed, Disconnect and Power on Your Device.
  15. Done, You have Successfully unlocked your device.


HXRU Sideload FRP Eraser offers a hassle-free solution for unlocking Xiaomi Android devices in Sideload mode with minimal cost. It is compatible with all major Android versions and Windows OS making it a best value tool for device maintenance. Plus, it’s cost effective, so, you don’t have to pay for premium features like Auth FRP.

Readme Once:

[*] Firmware: If you wish, you can download the official firmware Stock Rom, from A2GSM.COM or GSMMAFIAS.COM page.

[*] Flash Tool: If you wish, you can download the other Free Tools for flashing from A2GSM.COM or A2GSMTOOLS.COM page.

[*] USB Drivers: If you wish, you can download the latest version of USB Drivers of all Major Brands, from USB Drivers (Android+iOS) page.

[*]Make a backup: Please Make sure to take a backup of your data before doing any operation on your device, as flashing will wipe user data from the device.

[*]Use at your own risk: Using the Third Party Tools may void your device’s warranty. Proceed with caution and understand the risks involved.

[*]Links: We don’t host any files on our Server, We’re sharing Downloading Links from third-party file-sharing webservers.

[*] Credits: Thanks to the Respected Developer of these tools for sharing it online for Free to all users.