LGUP v1.16.3 Patched Setup Installer Download Free

By A2GSM Team

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LGUP 1.16.3 Patched Setup installer – with LG mobile USB drivers and Common_DLL Fix

If you have some trouble with flashing LG roms and the LGUP flash tool is not working correctly, so LGUP v1.16.3 Patched version will help you to flash LG rom on LG devices without any hassle. LGUP patched version created by MrLeronex. LGUP_Common.dll should work for devices above the LG G6. If you encounter any issues, feel free to contact MrLeronex.

LGUP Patched Flash Tool

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The contents of the installer include LGUP, LG Mobile drivers (optional), and LGUP_Common.dll.


  • REFURBISH: You will lose all user data(KDZ or TOT)
  • UPGRADE: Keep data and update your phone(KDZ or TOT) – Select Upgrade to flash kdz firmware to unbrick/restore your phone back to stock.
  • Chip Erase: Dangerous, This will erase IMEI/efs, do not try this if you do not have an NV backup. – Chip Erase can also remove the Google FRP on many LG devices with Android 5.0, and 6.0.
  • PARTITION DL: Flash the single Partition or selected partitions onto your phone. – This feature can solve “unknown model” issues. This feature can be used to bypass Google FRP by flashing specific tot firmware.
  • DUMP: Dump all partitions of your phone as a backup. – Dump the stock firmware from a working phone as a backup and use Partition DL to restore phones.
  • FOTA Upgrade: This can be used to flash the OTA Update file that comes with the dot-up file extension.
  • PDM: Change imei, wifi address, Bluetooth, Mac address

Download LGUP

You can download the installer on the Bootloader Locksmiths forum or through the following mirror links:

Download on the Bootloader locksmiths forum:
The Bootloader Locksmiths forum download

Mirror Links:

Updates & ChangeLog

Version 1.2.0: Added support for Mediatek devices.

Version 1.2.5: Fixed issues with K Series devices and Cross-flashed devices.

Version 1.3.0:

Fixed issues with cross flashing, which will now work without verifying after using partition dl.

Fixed a bug where LGUP would not recognize Common.dll after closing and reopening.

Removed the section for choosing Qualcomm or MediaTek.

Version 1.3.2:

When uninstalling or removing LG Mobile drivers through the installer, the drivers are now uninstalled automatically.

Updated DLL, which now supports VELVET devices.

The installer can now be installed into any directory.

Administrator rights are not required if LG Mobile drivers are already installed.

Note: If you have an older version of the installer, be sure to uninstall it before installing version 1.3.2.

How to use LGUp Tool

  • Download the LGUp 1.16.03 Patched from the Link above
  • Run the EXE as admin so it can install Drivers and the software properly
  • Go to the install directory and run the 2 Bat files that are in the folder as admin
Default: C:\Program Files(x86)\LG Electronics\LGUp
  • Running LGUP_UI-fixer.bat — run as admin, follow instructions, run the software when it says to, then close it
  • Run LGUP_UI-Fixer-addon.bat — run as admin, follow the steps, then run LGUp.exe when patching complete
  • You now have a working LGUP Tool 1.16 Patched for the LG Wing

Note: Please Disable Windows Defender or any Antivirus installed on your Computer. Otherwise, Setup or some important files will be deleted or corrupted by Antimalware.

Warning: It’s important to note that using any third-Party tool on Android devices may void the warranty. It requires technical knowledge and should be done very carefully to avoid any data loss or damage to your device. Make sure to follow the instructions provided by the tool and always back up your device’s data before performing any modifications.

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