POCO M4 Pro 4G (Fleur) unbrick is a process to repair a device that was bricked, within POCO M4 Pro 4G users face two types of brick- soft brick and hard brick.
Soft brick: in this stage device is stuck or frozen on the boot logo or animation due to any software/ firmware issue.
hard brick: in this stage device completely goes dead and does not show any sign of boot for example logo or animation, even fastboot or recovery mod. it shows only the 9008 USB COM driver /device when we connect it to the computer
- flash at own risk
- must make an NVRAM backup before the process
Download Firmware according to your region:
V13.0.7.0.RKEEUXM | 11.0 EEA: Download
V13.0.5.0.SKEMIXM | 12.0 Global: Download
V13.0.1.0.SKEINXM | 12.0 INDIA: Download
V13.0.5.0.RKETRXM | 11.0 Turkey: Download
V13.0.2.0.SKERUXM | 12.0 Russia: Download
Download Require tools:
- Run both SP Flash tools and ROM2box.exe
- in SP Flash tools go to options/connection and set connection like the below image
Connection type: UART / Bound Rate: 921600
- in the DA and Auth filed load download the DA & Auth files
- in the scatter filed load scatter file from the firmware folder
- in the drop-down menu Select ‘Firmware-upgrade‘
- Switch the Tab to ROM2box
- in the very front Screen mark disable auth option and click ‘Start button
- Now turn the Phone OFF, keep Pressing both the volume up & down key, and Insert USB once the device is detected Release keys
- once successful, immediately Switch tab to SP Flash tools and Click the Download button
- Flashing ‘Process Started‘ wait until success, it will take around 10Min
- once done, disconnect the device, reconnect once the charging started disconnect & Switch it ON