QuickADB Tool v3.0 Download Free [Latest Version]

By A2GSM Team

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QuickADB is a user-friendly tool with a graphical interface for running ADB and Fastboot commands. It simplifies device management, software installation, and system flashing with an accessible interface.

This post’ll guide you on downloading, installing, and using the QuickADB. You’ll learn its features, requirements, and how to bypass the device.

What is the QuickADB?

QuickADB is a user-friendly tool with a graphical interface for running ADB and Fastboot commands. It simplifies tasks like sideloading, installing/uninstalling apps, managing devices, and rebooting into different modes. With Fastboot commands, you can manage device settings, unlock the bootloader, and flash system files. The tool also includes a log section for tracking command outputs and a terminal for manual operations.


ADB Tool:

  • Check for Devices
  • Reboot (System, Recovery, Bootloader, EDL)
  • Kill and Restart the ADB Server
  • Authorize Devices
  • ADB Pull/Push
  • Install/Uninstall APKs
  • ADB Sideload

Fastboot Tool:

  • List Fastboot Devices
  • Reboot (System, Recovery, Bootloader, Fastbootd)
  • Get Device Variables (Antirollback, Codename, Active Slot)
  • Unlock/Lock Bootloader
  • Activate Slots (A/B)

Flashing Tool:

  • Flash various partitions (boot, system, vbmeta, user data, etc.)

Other Features:

  • Open Terminal for manual CMD operations
  • Logs section for reviewing command outputs (note: may show duplicate messages)

Caution: While features are tested, extra care is needed when flashing. In case of issues, manually flash via the terminal before rebooting.

QuickADB Tool Download Latest Version

Below are the download links for all versions of the Flash tool for Windows (32-bit or 64-bit).

File Password: a2gsm.com

QuickADB V-2.0Mega
QuickADB V-1.0Mega | Source

Best Alternative:

How to Use QuickADB Tool

Follow these simple step-by-step guides to complete the installation:

  1. Download and Install: Download the latest version from the above links and install it on the computer.
  2. Open the tool: Go to Desktop and run Quick-ADB.exe to launch the tool.
  3. Log in: Now enter your username and password to log in (if required).
  4. Select Function: Select the specific function “Reset User Data” or “Remove FRP.”
  5. Connect Phone: Power off and Hold Vol Up & Down Keys and computer via USB cable. (Some devices need Test Point to force boot into EDL, BROM, and Preloader mode.).
  6. Unlock Process: The tool will automatically detect your device and start the flashing process. (it usually takes some time; be patient.)
  7. Restart Device: Once done, disconnect and power on your device. Your device will restart. You’re all set!

Disclaimer: “This blog is for learning purposes only. Use it on your device, and don’t use it on someone else’s device without their permission. Make sure to back up your data before using the tool. I am not responsible if you lose data or damage your device.”

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